Friday, March 4, 2011

Quantity and Quality Time

As I go through the Proverbs this year, I am writing down each day the verse or verses that speak to me most that day. Many times as I look back in my journal, the month before shows a different verse that spoke to me in that particular chapter for that particular day. But on the 2nd, I looked back at last month's entry for Proverbs 2, and it was the same series of verses
(Proverbs 2:1-5 ).

What spoke to me in those verses?

You receive my words
You treasure up my commandments with you
You make your ear attentive to wisdom
You incline your heart to understanding
You seek it like silver
You search for it as hidden treasures
You will understand the fear of the Lord
You will find the knowledge of God

What spoke to me? A word that is not mentioned in the passage:


One cannot expect to acquire an understanding of the fear of the Lord or to have the knowledge of God without spending both quality and quantity time seeking it.

My daughters, each with 4 children apiece (this includes my daughter-in-love) get up each morning before their children and spend time with God. I am so grateful for these godly young women who are attempting to bring up their children
in the fear of the Lord
with the knowledge of God.

Ladies, spend TIME with the Lord.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post,



You know, it's so easy to give money or attend church service. Why is it so hard to make time for quality/quantity time with God? For most of us anyway. Great post!

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