Monday, May 10, 2010

A Trip with 8 Grandkids

There is no place on earth as beautiful as the mountains in Springtime unless there's a lake sitting lazily between the mountains. Last week we and about 60 other folks from our church enjoyed visiting such a lovely place. Drive down the road with me to the lakeside cabin. In the mornings one may walk outside to the neighing of the horses in the yard or drinking from the lake--or even on the front porch!

The children ran and played from daylight till dark. All but Maggie.
She just hung out with the teenagers, who were more than happy to accommodate her.

Katie could hardly stay away from the farm animals. There were turkeys, hens, emus, goats, and lambs.

Abigail just liked to smile a lot.

Lilly liked to climb trees--and there were plenty to climb!

I don't think Rachael knew quite what to do with that horse, do you?

Noah caught the fish that everyone else was trying to catch but couldn't. Yes, he was proud!

At night we sang gospel music, told stories, and enjoyed the beauty of God's creation. Haley played her violin--well, her fiddle. I'm so proud of her ability to play by ear. I never could.

Leaving was difficult. Katie wanted to stay at "Design", but all good things must come to an end. If you get a chance, go to Cedine's website at Their ministry is vital and vibrant. It blesses our hearts. And may God bless your heart, too!


Linda Stubbs

Precious! Look at all those adorable grandchildren!!!! I had mine with also!

I am sorry I made you tear up. I am so sorry you lost your momma. It is sad. You were a wonderful daughter to care for her those 5 years. I know that it is wonder that we will all be together! No more pain!

Blessings, Linda

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