Each day after my early morning walk, I meander around the garden, enjoying the colors and shapes and variety of God's creation. When my youngest granddaughter awakens she and I go outside again and talk about the beautiful things that God has made. She loves the fish in our little pond, and in fact that is one of her first words, "isss........."
This morning I sat down in the rocking chair, and as I looked out I was overcome with one of those rare instances of pure ecstasy. The sun's ray was peeking through the other side of the fence, beckoning me to snap its picture. I was reminded of our Lord Jesus, the Light of the World, the True Light that shines in the darkness, the Light of Glory. I love those precious times when my eyes alone behold that unique something, and I in the quiet of the day experience the pleasure of a timeless truth. My heart was filled with the joy of the Lord. Don't you love those special times?
I was reminded as I looked at the day lilies that Jesus used this sweet flower as a visual lesson for His disciples, when He said to them, "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Matthew 6:33. He used this as an exhortation to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and to give our worries to Him.
The sweet potato vine, I regret to say, is getting holes in it. This evening as I sat in my easy chair by the front window, I was dramatically reminded of the holes we leave in our own lives sometimes. It was very late, and I heard a loud noise in the street. A young man hit a parked truck on the side of the road. He was riding a motorcycle, and as far as I'm concerned, that was hole #1. We ran outside and saw him lying on the street bleeding from his head. Hole #2--no helmet. As we tried to talk to him while we waited for the ambulance, it was pretty obvious that he was at the least inebriated--hole #3.
Sometimes in my own failures to live as I should, leaving holes that need to be fixed, I am so very grateful that in the instant that I recognize it to be true, God has made provision for me to patch up those holes and press on. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 The Lord is in the business of patching holes if only we allow Him in.
Creation has much to teach us about the ways of its Maker.
I'm Linking to:
An Oregon Cottage
A Southern Daydreamer
Always nesting
Heart and Home